Sunday, 20 June 2010

Junior Science Olympiad (JSO) 2010 by Kendriya Vidyalaya (KVS)

Junior Science Olympiad (JSO) 2010 by Kendriya Vidyalaya (KVS)

KVS Junior Science Olympiad (KVS JSO)

The Olympiad will follow the following two stages:

  • Stage I: KVS Junior Science Olympiad (KVS-JSO)

  • Stage II: Orientation cum training Camp for top 100 performers in order of merit based on their proformance in KVS-JSO for National Standard Examination in Junior Science (NSEJS) conducted by Indian Association for Physics Teachers (IAPT)

  • Initially the first 100 students shortlisted from stage-I will be registered to participate in National Standard Examination in Junior Science (NSEJS) as per attached guidelines .After one year, KVS may conduct its own National Level Examination like Maths Olympiad .

  • The students selected from stage I will be given rigorous training for their participation in Indian National Junior Science Olympiad (INJSO)

The detailed information about eligibility and structure of the stages is given below:

Stage I: KVS Junior Science Olympiad (KVS -JSO) This is the first stage of selection of students. KVS-JSO will be conducted by the KVS regional office on a rotation basis. The first KVS- JSO will be conducted by KVS regional office Delhi ( Coordinated by Principal, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sector-2 R. K Puram , Near Saint Thomas Church , New Delhi- 110022 )

Eligibility (KVS-JSO):

All the regular students of Kendriya Vidyalayas who have passed Class IX with Grade_C1 in Science subject in the examination are eligible to appear in KVS-JSO 2010. The first 100 students in the order of merit) will qualify for second stage.

It will be the responsibility of the Vidyalaya and students to ensure that they fulfill eligibility criteria. In case at any stage of the program it is found that the student does not satisfy the eligibility criteria, he/she may be disqualified from the Scheme.

Registration Fee

Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) per student.. Fee for SC/ST students will be paid out of Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi of the KV concerned.

Procedure for Registration:

The eligible & willing candidate has to register herself/himself on prescribed form. (Annexure-I). The school as well as in the Regional Office concerned will retain one copy of the filled in Registration Forms for their record. However, a consolidated list of students, registered Vidyalaya-wise for the KVS-JSO Olympiad should be sent to the undersigned in the proforna given in Annexure-II along with single draft for the total amount collected as registration fee from all the students of the KVs of the Region concerned. The draft should be made in favour of “KVS, New Delhi” payable at New Delhi.

Allocation of Roll No:

The Principal of KV concerned will allocate the Roll No. on registration form of each candidate. The same Roll No. should be mentioned on the admit card. The Roll Numbers will be allocated strictly in the following manner.

Each student will be allotted nine-digit roll number with prefix KVS-JSO. The first two digits on the left will show the region code, next four digits will show the Vidyalaya code and last three digits will show the serial number of the candidate.

Coding Procedure for allocating Roll Number:


Region code

Vidyalaya Code

Serial number as per registration
















Example: The roll Number of Master Rajesh of KV NTPC Badarpur (KV Code-1406) of Delhi region (Code No.09) and having serial number 005 in the list of student registered for Olympiad will be written as:
















Note: For allotting roll number to students, each KV should follow strictly the standardized codes for Regional Offices and Kendriya Vidyalayas covered in each region as per codes mentioned in transfer guidelines. This is necessary as the same codes are to be maintained by KVS (HQ) during computerization of the registration/result etc.

Last Date for submission of list of registered students to the Regional Office:

20th June 2010

Last Date for submission of consolidated list of students, registered Vidyalaya-wise for the Jr. Science Olympiad to KVS (HQ) in the proforma given in Annexure-V along with single draft for the total amount collected as registration fee from all the students of the KVs of the Region concerned. The draft should be made in favour of “KVS, New Delhi” payable at New Delhi.

One copy of the consolidated list of students, registered Vidyalaya-wise for the Jr. Science Olympiad should also be sent to organizing Principal – Kendriya Vidyalaya Sactor-2 R. K Puram , Near Saint Thomas Church , New Delhi- 110022 (, Tel : 011-26175262, Mobile – 9717620566)

NOTE: No K.V will send it’s individual draft to KVS (H.Q,) directly.

10th July -2010


The syllabus for KVS-JSO will be broadlyequivalent to the secondary school level (up to Class X) of the CBSE. This is only a broad outline, and there is no detailed syllabus given for KVS-JSO.

Question Paper:

The paper test comprehension of the subject rather than rote memory. Its format will be as follows:

Total marks: 150

Multiple choice questions consisting of:

Max Marks


30 questions with only one of the four options correct (negative marks for incorrect answers). Each question carries 03 marks.



10 questions with any number of the four options correct. To get credit, all correct option (s) and no incorrect option(s) should be marked.
Each question carries 06 marks.


Medium of test




Question Paper cum answer book: The printed question paper cum answer booklet for the Olympiad will be directly dispatched from Kendriya Vidyalaya Sector-2 R. K Puram , Near Saint Thomas Church , New Delhi- 110022 to the principals of thr KVs (identified as test centers by the Assistant Commissioners of KVS Regional Offices concerned) bn.

Date & Time of Examination:

1st August (Sunday ),2010 ) from 10.00 am to 01.00 pm

Declaration of Results:

Result is likely to be declared by 18th of August -2010.

Qualifying for the Second Stage:

Based on the proformance in KVS-JSO the top 100 students in order of merit in KVS-JSO will qualify to attend Orientation cum Training Camp to be organized by Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) for preparing them for National Standard Examination on Junior Science (NSEJS) conducted by Indian Association for Physics Teachers (IAPT).

The training program may be conducted in Autumn Break at selected centres.

Certificates and Prizes/Cash Awards:

Students will be given cash awards and certificates at: -

I. KVS State Level –

  • 1st award is – Rs.5000/-

  • 2nd award is – Rs.4000/-

  • 3rd award is - Rs3000/-

II. Regional Level

  • 1st award is - Rs.2000/-

  • 2nd award is – Rs.1500/-

  • 3rd award is - Rs1000/-

The students eligible for both at KVS State and Regional level will get ONLY higher cash prize.


1. ACs will circulate the information and the guidelines to all the Vidyalayas of their Region.

2. ACs will send the list of 05 to 06 centers along with name of the Vidyalayas covered by them to organizing Principal – Kendriya Vidyalaya Sactor-2 R. K Puram , Near Saint Thomas Church , New Delhi- 110022 (, Tel : 011-26175262, Mobile – 9717620566). This should be sent by 21st June, 2010 in the proforma enclosed as ANNEXURE-V. The Principals of each region will give wide publicity among the student and send the list of students in ANNEXURE-II along with Registration fee following the guidelines given above to the Regional office by 28th June 2010 and in turn all regional offices will send consolidated list of participating students, Vidyalaya-wise as per the performe given in ANNEXURE-V along with a consolidated demand draft of the total amount collected as Registration Fees and the list of centers identified by them, in respect of their Region to KVS (HQ by10th July,2010. One copy of the consolidated list of students, registered Vidyalaya-wise for the Jr. Science Olympiad should also be sent to organizing Principal – Kendriya Vidyalaya Sactor-2 R. K Puram , Near Saint Thomas Church , New Delhi- 110022 (, Tel : 011-26175262, Mobile – 9717620566)

3. The Principal of each school will send the list of the students registered for the Olympiad to the respective test centers identified by the Assistant Commissioner. The Principals of the test center will inform the organizing Principal – Kendriya Vidyalaya sector-2, R. K Puram , Near Saint Thomas Church , New Delhi- 110022 (, Tel : 011-26175262, Mobile – 9717620566) the number of question paper required on or before 10th July 2010, by Speed Post/Fax/e-mail.

4. The Principal of the TEST CENTRE-KV will be the Superintendent for conduct of the examination.

5. The Center Superintendent will dispatch answer books along with two copies of attendance sheet (Bilingual) of the students to the organizing Principal – Kendriya Vidyalaya sector-2, R. K Puram , Near Saint Thomas Church , New Delhi- 110022 ( on the same day after completion of Olympiad i.e. 1st August, 2010

The International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) is a competitive examination open to students of all countries in the world, primarily studying in secondary schools. All basic subjects of Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics) are given roughly equal representation in the IJSO examination.


Junior Mathematics Olympiad 2010

KVS Junior Mathematics Olympiad

Guidelines for 13th Junior Mathematics Olympiad


10th Class students who have secured Grade B2 in aggregate and Grade B1 in mathematics in 9th Class examination.


There is no fixed syllabus. Sound knowledge of Mathematics up to class 9th and Algebra of class 10th will be normally covered for KVS Jr. MATHEMATICS Olympiad. No routine problems are asked in Olympiad to asses the ability of students in Mathematics.


Rs.40/- (Rupees forty only) per student (To be sent along with Format for Registration (Annexure-I). Fee for SC/ST students will be paid out of Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi of the KV concerned.


The eligible & willing candidate has to register herself/himself on prescribed form. (Annexure-I) . The school as well as the Regional Offices concerned will retain one copy of the Filled in Registration Forms for their record. However, a consolidated list of students, registered Vidyalaya-wise for the Olympiad should be sent to the undersigned in the format given in Annexure-VIII along with a single draft for the total amount collected as registration fee from all the students of the KVs of the Region concerned. The draft should be made in favour of “KVS, New Delhi” payable at New Delhi.

NOTE: No K.V will send it’s single draft to KV (H.Q,) directly. One copy of registration form (annexure II) will be sent to Principal KV IIT Powai Mumbai — 400076.


Last Date for Submission of list of registered Students to the Regional Office will be 16th July-2010


The admit card to the students will be issued by the Principal after allotting the Roll Number and the Examination Center. However, the roll number on the admit card should remain the same as allotted in registration form of the candidate. The format of the Admit card is enclosed at An n ex u re-III .


The Assistant Commissioner of the Region concerned will identify the Examination Center and intimate the same to the Principals. The same will be intimated by the Principal to the students through Admit Card.


5th September 2010 Sunday Time : 10:00 AM to 1:00 P.M.


The question paper for the Olympiad will be directly dispatched from Assistant Commissioner, Mumbai Region to examination centers identified by the Assistant Commissioners concerned.


Answer book with 28 pages (A-4 size with the title page as shown in the ANNEXURE-IV) are to be provided by the examination centre.


Result is likely to be declared in the month of November -2010.


KVS (HQ) will confer the following Cash Awards and certificates as per the laid down criteria:

(a) Cash awards of Rs.10,000/-, Rs.8000/- and Rs.5000/- for securing first, second and third position respectively at KVS State Level.

(b) Cash awards of Rs.5000/-, Rs.4000/- and Rs.3000/- respectively for securing first, second and third position at Regional Level.

(c) Students eligible for State as well as Regional level awards shall be conferred the higher one alone.

Merit certificates are given to first 500 students in JMO.

You are requested to take the following steps.

  1. Circulate the information and the guidelines to all the Vidyalayas of your region.
  2. Send the list of 05 to 06 examination centers along with particulars of the Vidyalayas covered by them. This may be sent by 7th July 2010 in the format enclosed at ANNEXURE-V.
  3. 3. The Principals of your region should be requested to give wide publicity amongst students and send the list of students in ANNEXURE-II along with Registration fee to the Regional office by 17th July-2010. Further you are requested to send the consolidated list of participating students, Vidvalava-wise as per the format given in ANNEXURE-VIII along with a single demand draft of the total amount collected as Registration Fees and the list of centres identified by you to the undersigned before 31st July-2010;
  4. Principal of each school should send the list of the students registered (Annexure II) for the Olympiad to the respective examination centers identified by you. The Principals of the test centre should inform the Assistant Commissioner Mumbai Region, about the number of question papers required for the examination at their centre before 4th AUGUST 2010, by Speed Post/Fax.
  5. The Principals of the examination centres will be the Superintendent for conduct of the examination.
  6. The guidelines for conduct of Olympiad. (See Annexure-VI) Shall be circulated to the Principals of the KVs selected as Examination Centers.
  7. 7. The Center Superintendent shall send one copy of attendance sheet (Bilingual) Annexure VII and a copy of Annexure II along with the answer scripts to the PRINCIPAL KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA ITT Powai Mumbai — 400076

Dr. I.P. Singh Principal Kendriya Vidyalaya N A D Karanja will be the Director for evaluation of answer scripts of 13th JMO at KV IIT Powai, Mumbai

Application Form: CLICK HERE

The important e-mail IDs:

  • KV N A D Karanja:
  • KVS RO Mumbai:
  • KV IIT Powai Mumbai:
  • National Co-ordinator:

‘Mathematical Olympiad’ is a talent search programme of international significance for students who have not entered a university. In India this is organized by the National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM), since 1988. This is conducted in three stages, the Regional Mathematical Olympiad (RMO) usually held during October- December in 23 regions, the Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO) held in February and then an International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) Training Camp in May-June, from where a six-member team is selected to represent India in the IMO, held in July in different countries. Academic coordination is mainly done by the MO Cell in the Department of Mathematics, IISc, Bangalore.

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, a premier organization in the field of Secondary and Senior Secondary education and it has specific mission. It has to achieve its mission of “To pursue excellence and set the pace in the field of school education;” For last 13 years KVS has been conducting its own Mathematics Olympiad Programme which is supplemented by INMO Indian Mathematics Olympiad conducted by NBHM( National Board of Higher Mathematics), Deptt of Atomic Energy of India .KVS is nurturing the talent of students through this programme and students are producing very good result at National & International Level.


International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO)

International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO)
IJSO 2011

There are five stage process leading to International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO)


The Junior Science Olympiad program will follow the following 5 stages:

  • Stage I: National Standard Examinationin Junior Science (NSEJS).
  • Stage II: Indian National Junior Science Olympiad (INJSO),
  • Stage III: Orientation cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in junior science,
  • Stage IV: Pre-departure TrainingCamp (PDT) for IJSO,
  • Stage V: Participation in International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO).

Stage- It will be entirely the responsibility of IAPT. All the remaining stages are organized by the HBCSE.

The detailed informationabout eligibilityand structure of the stages is given below:

Stage I: National Standard Examination in Junior Science (NSEJS)

NSEJS is the first stage of selection of students in the Junior Science Olympiad Programme. NSEJS is organised by the Indian Association of Physics Teachers(IAPT). Every student aspiring to go through successive stages of the programme must enroll for NSEJS. NSEJS is held at a large number of centres in the country.

  • Date and Time of NSEJS 2010: November 2010 (Tentative)
  • Last Date for Enrollment for NSEJS: 15th September 2010

Eligibility (NSEJS):

All Indian studentswho are born on or after January 1, 1996 and, in addition, are in Class X or lower as of November 30, 2010, are eligible to appear in NSEJS 2010 – 2011. If they qualify in the NSEJS, they will be eligible for subsequent stages leading to participation in International Junior Science Olympiad 2011.

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the eligibility criteria are satisfied. In case at any stage of the program it is found that the student does not satisfy the eligibility criteria, he/she may be disqualified from the program.


The syllabus for NSEJS is broadly equivalent to the secondary school level (upto Class X) of CBSE. The different basic subjects of science (physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics) will have roughly equal emphasis.

This is only a broad guideline, and there is no detailed syllabus given for NSEJS.

Question Paper:

NSEJS emphasize comprehension of the subject, not rote memory. Its format is as under:

Total marks: 150

Multiple choice questions consisting of:

(A1) 30 questions with only one of the four options correct (negative marks for incorrect answers).
Each question carries 3 marks.

(A2) 10 questions with any number of the four options correct .
To get credit, all correct option (s) and no incorrect option(s) should be marked. Each question carries 6 marks.

Qualifying for the Second Stage:

Based on performance in NSEJS, the top 300 students in order of merit qualify to appear for the Second Stage of the Olympiad programme INJSO. In case there is a tie at the last position, all students with the same marks at this last position qualify for INJSO.

All students who qualify to appear for INJSO get a certificate of merit from IAPT.

For any queries or clarifications and for any difficulties regarding enrollment for NSEJS, please contact:

Prof. M. L. Oglapurkar , Co-ordinator (NSE), IAPT Office, I.I.E. Campus, 128/2, J. P. Naik Marg, Kothrud, Pune – 411 038, Tel : (Off.) 020 – 25420163. (9922916343),(9:00 AM to 7:00 PM), Email: iapt .AT.

Stage II: Indian National Junior Science Olympiad (INJSO)

INJSO is organized by HBCSE at about 15 centres in the country.

Eligibility: Students selected from Stage I examination (NSEJS) are eligible to appear for INJSO. In addition those students who have been exempted as described in the Enrollment page are also eligible to appear for INJSO. Besides these two ways, there is no other way by which a student becomes eligible to appear for INJSO.

The tentative date and time of INJSO 2010 examination is as follows:

January 30, 2011 (Saturday) : 01:00 pm — 04:00 pm (3 hours)

The date and schedule will be announced in the first week of January 2011 on HBSSE website and communicated by post to the eligible students. Students appearing for INJSO are eligible for TA/DA as per norms of the programme.

Syllabus: The syllabus for INJSO is broadly similar to NSEJS. The syllabus is, however, only a broad guideline. Questions and problems in National Olympiads are usually non-conventional and of high difficulty level, comparable to International Olympiads.

On the basis of performance in INJSO, the top 36 students in the merit list are selected for Stage III: Orientation Cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in Junior Science.

In the event, there is a tie at the last position; all students with the same marks at this last position will qualify for OCSC in Junior Science.

There is no other criterion or provision for selection to OCSC.

Stage III: Orientation cum Selection Camp (OCSC) in Junior Science

OCSC in Junior Science will be organized by HBCSE sometime in April to June 2011 for 2-3 weeks. The precise dates will be announced prior to or along with the announcement of the selection list for the OCSC.

Eligibility for OCSC: Only the students selected from the merit list of Stage II (INJSO 2011) will be eligible for OCSC 2011 in Junior Science. There will be no other criterion or provision.

The camp will include several theoretical and experimental tests. Orientation will be provided to students especially in experiments. The camp will conclude with a valedictory function where distinguished scientists will be invited to speak to the students.

The merit list of OCSC in Junior Science is prepared on the basis of the combined theoretical and experimental score aggregated over all the tests in the camp, with 60% weightage for theory and 40% weightage for experiment. Performance in previous stages (NSEJS and INJSO) is not considered for the merit list and awards of the OCSC.
The top 6 in the OCSC Junior Science merit list are declared to be special merit awardees. These special merit awardees are given Rs. 5,000 each in the form of books and cash. In addition, there are special prizes to recognize meritorious performance in theory and experiments.
The 6 special merit awardees in Junior Science selected at the end of the OCSC 2011 constitute the 6 member student team for the International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) 2011, provided they satisfy required criteria such as age limit, holding valid Indian passport, medical fitness, parental consent, etc.

Stage IV: Pre-departure Training (PDT) Camp for IJSO 2011

The selected 6 member student team undergoes a rigorous training programme at HBCSE in theory and experiment. Special laboratoriesare being developed at HBCSE for the purpose of experimental training. Resource persons from HBCSE and different institutions across the country will train the students.

Stage V: Participation in International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) 2011

The 6 member student team and 3 teacher leaders constitute the delegation to represent India at the International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) 2011.

The details about venue and dates for IJSO 2011 will be announced when available.


LAWCET 2010 Results

The three-year LAWCET was held at 24 centres covering 15 cities in the State, while the PGLCET-2010 was conducted in Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, Warangal and Tirupati. Minister for Higher Education D. Sridhar Babu selected and released the codes of test papers to be used for LAWCET-2010 and PGLCET-2010 examinations. Both CETs results be announced online soon.